Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Do's and Don'ts of Holiday Cheer

During the holiday season its traditional for marketing departments in organizations of all types to thank their customers. Unfortunately, these gestures are often thinly veiled attempts to generate near term business. If you really want to make an impression that builds your customer relationships your recognition must be sincere.

DON'T fall into these common traps
  • DON'T send an impersonal card. If you are going to send season's greetings add a personal note and use a real signature. Nothing feels colder than the unsigned greeting card with your company logo.
  • DON'T mistake holiday promotions with loyalty programs. Customers expect you to give them value and discounts are par for the course during the shopping season.
  • DON'T over do the holiday cheer. Holiday music, freshly baked cookies and a friendly happy holidays are lovely tributes to the season. But if you start them in October and combine them with flashing for sales signs the charm is lost.

DO focus on your core values
  • DO let your spirit shine through. The holidays are a time to smile. Whether its a humorous greeting on the home page of your website, or beautiful decorations around the office this is a chance for your customers to see your inner spirit. It's OK to forget the brand colors and get into the holiday spirit.
  • DO offer something truly unique. A week before Thanksgiving I visited a local restaurant for breakfast. They had a simple sign inviting their customers and anyone in need to a free Thanksgiving feast - no strings attached. While I was fortunate to host a family affair on Thanksgiving, I remember with a smile that generous offer.
  • DO remember your employees. Whether its a bonus, free holiday lunch, extra vacation day or simply a hosted cookie exchange; when your employees are full of holiday cheer it shows.

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